Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Big Picture

It was almost twelve years ago that we first met Rick and Karmel. In the week following us first meeting each other, our families spent almost every evening together and a strong friendship was formed as we sat in our living room into the wee hours of the morning talking about life, marriage, family and faith. We moved to AK and while we were there, Rick and Karmel moved to Chico, but our friendship has remained and we consider ourselves blessed to have friends like them.

We pulled up Rick and Karmel's house in Chico close to 1am last night/this morning. Despite being worn out from a long day in the card, and the fact that Rick had just returned from a business trip, we found ourselves once again unable to stop the conversation and stayed up way too late discussing matters of life, marriage, family and faith. What a joy it was to look back to those early days and recount the lessons learned, the hardships endured, and more than anything, the faithfulness of God in the years between then and now. There was no way we could have looked into the future and anticipated where both families would end up, but one thing is certain: God knew. He knew every challenge we would face, every pain we would endure, every victory we would celebrate, every move we would make, and uses them all to shape and mold for His glory.

Last night was a great reminder that God sees the big picture. He knows where He's leading us, and He know's what needs to happen along the way in order to prepare us for when we arrive. Nothing is lost to him. I stand in awe of all God has done in my life and family, and the lives of Rick and Karmel and their kids.